Results: Pepperell Rail Trail 4K/8K

Pepperell, MA
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Weather: clear, cool 55 degrees

8k men
1. Nolan Allen             45:15
2. Ed O’Rourke          47:34
3. Brian Savilonis        52:50
4. Charlie Mansbach   59:05
5. Clyde Wilder           62:37

8k women
1. Maegan Allen         47:16
2. Val Vaitones            52:26
3. Holly Wenninger     55:35
4. Ann Neuberg          66:00

4k women
1. Melissa Monaghan  33:35

Judges: Bill and Joanne Harriman, Ed Vaitones, Rich McElvery
Special thanks to Bill and Joanne Harriman for hosting the race and post-race pot luck lunch.


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